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Kari en kayak de mer vue du ciel

About us

We seek to create a life where we can wake up to a blank page and write a new, colorful story every single day. To really live life to the fullest. This way of living forces us to get out of our comfort zone, the place where the magic happens.


Our journey gives us the possibility to see incredible natural events, to visit amazing places, to experience harsh conditions and to challenge ourselves in ways we did not know possible.  

Kari Toftesund

With a lifelong interest for the human mind, I began my career as a psychotherapist. I have traveled solo around the world, and gotten to learn from different cultures and to open my mind to other ways of living. My adventurous spirit has allowed me to find certain keys to better understand the mind and how to push it in the right direction. Always attracted by the outdoors, it was a logical progression for me to combine adventures and mental and physical performance.

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Portrait couple Kari Jonathan

Jonathan Labarre

With a background in the army, sport shop management, firefighting and fire and first aid instruction, I have many strings to my bow. Stress management, leadership, crisis management and team management are just some of the skills I have been fortunate to acquire throughout my career. With a passion for the outdoors and sport, I went on to pursue a career as a mountaineer before expanding my horizons to adventures and expeditions in several environments.

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Our mission

Our mission as outdoor enthusiasts is to protect and preserve our planet as best as we can. The climate and the landscapes are changing quickly, and it is our duty to take action.

We are raising awareness about the environmental issues and developing courses for the younger generations. We believe that knowledge is key and that the youth can bring the change for a better world.  

We are promoting the values of the outdoor adventure: daring to dream big, health benefits, sense of accomplishment, well-being and happiness. 

We would like to give the desire to spend time outside to other people. We are convinced that by spending more time outside, the desire to protect our planet will grow accordingly. 

Forest Road

We have financed the planting of

Logo Pihoqahiak

Pihoqahiak means "polar bear" in Inuit language and signifies "the one who wanders endlessly". A name and logo that represent who we are. Not only do we love the polar bears, but we also love what they symbolize: power, strength and endurance, but in the same time also the fragility of the environment that we deeply wish to preserve. 

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