Always attracted by the mountains, but terrified of the heights. One day, I decided to fight this fear. I was invited to climb outside, and for the first time, I accepted.
I had to work hard and climb meter by meter, controlling my mind to get used to the exposure. Practising everyday, reading book after book, I acquired my alpine knowledge and a new passion was born. In paralell I worked with a mental coach to overcome my fears, making me able to engage more and more. The mountains were calling for me.
Since, I have praticed alpine sports in the Alps: alpine-skiing, climbing, alpinism, ice-climbing, via ferrata, trail running..., I literally got absorbed by the mountain sports. I already had the possibility to climb high mountains, to descend steep slopes and to make rappels in a 1000 meter free fall. I even had the wonderful opportunity to climb several times with the best ice-climber in the world: Jeff Mercier.